miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Donostia Innovation Challenge, a day in the Kuursal

Last Monday, we went to the Kuursal with all my fellow Eleanitza students and we had a great time with the project that Fomento San Sebastián organized for us and other schools like Nazaret, Zubiri-Manteo, Ekintza...

At first, they received and gave us bottles to carry water and drink whenever we wanted to, and that was a really great idea. Thay asigned each group a tech, and me and my group went to the robotics one and some bussines men explained us what they did and what were their enterprises or jobs about.

Later, we had a motivational talk all together, and I have to admit that it was pretty interesting and useful, at least for me. Then we had lunch and a briefly break to rest a little.

The last thing we did there was preparing a presentation of our project or proposal to show it to the representants of the enterprise, and I think that we did it pretty well!

In conclusion, it was a great day, well organized, but it was a little too long and you finish being done with all.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Language challenge with the french students

This week, my Audio Visual Culture class has done some activities with the French class, unfortunately I wasnt able to be there, but they told me that it was pretty fun and interesting.

They did two kahoots with them, one in French and another one in English. I think that it was a little unfair for my class, because all the French students are teached English in the school, but not all of us have studied French, so they understood the questions in English, but all the students of the AVC class didnt understand the questions in French.

But in the end, they had a great time and learned new things about European languages, so thats what matters!

Preparing the EDL (Ekhi & Paula)

This 26th of September is the European Day of Languages and we will be organising some activities with people of 4th DBH. One of them will be a quiz about languages, asking them the different meanings of foreing words or some curiosities about european languages or countries.

For example, some of them will be:
1-What's the language that has the longest word?(Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz)
2-Whats the language with the longest alphabet?
 a-Chinese b-Greek c-Cambodian d-Indonesian
3-How many official languages are spoken in Europe?(24)
4-Which is the second most spoken language in the world?
5-In how many ways can we say "rain" in Hawaiian.
6-Some words in both Spanish and English mean and are pronounced the same way so, how many Spanish words would be able an English speaker to understand? (about 3000)

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

EDL T-Shirt contest (Paula & Asier Puy)

In case you were not aware of it, the 26th of October an important event is taking place all around Europe. Still don't know what am I talking about?
Let me introduce you the European day of the languages!

Every year, on the 26th of October this special event in celebrated to commemorate all the European languages and in our school, to do so, we organise some activities about it. Like every year, we are trying to design an original and flawless design for the European day of the languages  T-shirt design contest, organised by the Council of Europe and the European centre of modern languages. Hold on, I will be providing you with some information about the process me and my partner had to creat our master pieces:

At first, I was blank, I have never been an artsy person, so I thought that nothing would come to my mind, but then, I started thinking what the languages mean to us, so maybe in that way some ideas would appear in my mind, and so it was. Everything was a slow progress of different ideas:

First of all, I tried to draw something simple, but at the same time making some connections with the languages all around Europe and Europe itself, so I thought: "why not drawing a European map writing all the languages in their correspondant country?".However, who would say it would turn up to be so difficult to draw!

Then, our minds were illuminated when one of our final ideas springed to our minds. We thought about the languages as something that makes us grow up and improve, and also as a connector between people, so I drew a rainy cloud that represents all of us, meanwhile, the rain represents the languages and finally the flower symbolizes Europe, growing and getting strong thanks to them.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


This year, Bach 2 students made an exchange with a school in Germany, and this September, exactly from 12 to 21, the Germans came to Donostia to visit us. If we are lucky, this year we will also participate in an exchange, and I would love that.

I think that going in an exchange would bring us so many positive things, like, for example, we would learn more casual English and how the native people really talks in English, or how we can move through an unknown city using a language that we are not fully fluent in.

Personally, I would love going to Ireland, I think that is a really beautiful country with so much things to see and learn from, but I dont really mind where we go, I think that the most important thing is to have a good time and learn from other people.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Donostia Innovation Challenge

Last day, Iñigo came to our class in the name of San Sebastian Fomento Council and presented us the Donostia Innovation Challenge. Personally, I found it really interesting and a good activitie to do with the class.

We had to think about problems that concerns San Sebastian, and this is my proposal:

The lack of spaces like Tabakalera to pass time with your friends when it rains or you dont know what to do outdoors. Mainly, young people is affected by this, but some middle-aged people also likes places like Tabakalera because of their cultural services (expositions, library, cafe...) so it would be a great idea to build a new or remodel an old place to fullfil these services.

Movie analysis

My analysis