miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

EDL T-Shirt contest (Paula & Asier Puy)

In case you were not aware of it, the 26th of October an important event is taking place all around Europe. Still don't know what am I talking about?
Let me introduce you the European day of the languages!

Every year, on the 26th of October this special event in celebrated to commemorate all the European languages and in our school, to do so, we organise some activities about it. Like every year, we are trying to design an original and flawless design for the European day of the languages  T-shirt design contest, organised by the Council of Europe and the European centre of modern languages. Hold on, I will be providing you with some information about the process me and my partner had to creat our master pieces:

At first, I was blank, I have never been an artsy person, so I thought that nothing would come to my mind, but then, I started thinking what the languages mean to us, so maybe in that way some ideas would appear in my mind, and so it was. Everything was a slow progress of different ideas:

First of all, I tried to draw something simple, but at the same time making some connections with the languages all around Europe and Europe itself, so I thought: "why not drawing a European map writing all the languages in their correspondant country?".However, who would say it would turn up to be so difficult to draw!

Then, our minds were illuminated when one of our final ideas springed to our minds. We thought about the languages as something that makes us grow up and improve, and also as a connector between people, so I drew a rainy cloud that represents all of us, meanwhile, the rain represents the languages and finally the flower symbolizes Europe, growing and getting strong thanks to them.

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