miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Donostia Innovation Challenge, a day in the Kuursal

Last Monday, we went to the Kuursal with all my fellow Eleanitza students and we had a great time with the project that Fomento San Sebastián organized for us and other schools like Nazaret, Zubiri-Manteo, Ekintza...

At first, they received and gave us bottles to carry water and drink whenever we wanted to, and that was a really great idea. Thay asigned each group a tech, and me and my group went to the robotics one and some bussines men explained us what they did and what were their enterprises or jobs about.

Later, we had a motivational talk all together, and I have to admit that it was pretty interesting and useful, at least for me. Then we had lunch and a briefly break to rest a little.

The last thing we did there was preparing a presentation of our project or proposal to show it to the representants of the enterprise, and I think that we did it pretty well!

In conclusion, it was a great day, well organized, but it was a little too long and you finish being done with all.

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