domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

Battleship Potemkin

- The revolution is starting in Russia and battleship Potemkin's sailors want to take part on it too
- They take control of the ship and go to Odessa
- They start taking part in the revolution

The story pattern: 
  1. YOU: Sailors work in a battleship named Potemkin.
  2. NEED: To take part in the revolution that is starting in Russia.
  3. GO: They take control of the ship.
  4. SEARCH: They go to Odessa to fight with the citizens. 
  5. FIND: The citinzery of Odessa take their boats and all together fight.
  6. TAKE: There are some serious damage and hard scenes.
  7. RETURN: The Potemkin goes out the port and the fight seems inevitable.
  8. CHANGE: The Tsarist squadron refuses to open fire and the Potemkin passes between their ships.
Data sheet: 

Was made un 1925, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the first Russian revolution, its 75 minutes long and it was directed by Sergei M. Einsestein.


A film based in historical events, tells de story of the sailors of a battleship named Potemkin, who started a riot, taked control of the ship and went to their hometown (Odessa) to keep fighting. 

Interesting points of the film which created a pattern for future movies:

· The death of an important and good character, which adds dramatism and importance to the commitment of the goal. 
· Also, Sergei uses for the first time the technique of showing an action and repeating it again but from a slightly different angle to demonstrate intensity.

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