miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Language Challenges

1. In how many different languages can you greet someone?
I think that I can greet someone in 4 languages, spanish, basque, english and korean.                         

2. In how many different languages can you count from 1 to 10 ?
Spanish, french, korean, basque, english and japanese. 

3. Can you write your name in different alphabets (such as Greek or Cyrillic)
Only in korean, 파울라 (hangul, korean alphabet) 

4. Identify 5 words in your language that are the same in other languages:
Cafe, pizza, burger, bus and mama.  

5. Identify 3 words in your language that mean different things in other languages (false friends!).
Actual/Actual, Embarazada/Embarrassed and Grosería/Grocery.

6. Have you ever read a comic book in a foreign language? And a book?
Yes, both of them. 

7. How is the person you know who speaks more languages and discovered why he/she speaks so many.
Ekhi, he speaks a bunch of languages like german, spanish, basque, english... he likes studying languages, thats why he speaks so many. 

8. Have you ever memorized a song in another language?

9. Have you ever switched the language of your phone or tablet to a foreign language?

10. Do you listen to a radio station in a foreign language?

11. Do you change to original version when watching documentaries, sports or films on tv?
Yes, I like them more in VOS. 

12. Do you know any joke in a foreign language?
I guess I do but right now no. 

13. When on holiday in another country, have you ever used the language of the country to greet people, order food or perform other everyday tasks?

14. What do you dare to do in a foreign language?
If I am fluent in it, anything, but if I am not sure of how I speak, not so much.

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