lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2019

Audio Visuals’ importance in our society

Nowadays, audio visuals are present in almost all the aspects of our life; are used for adverts, entertainment, education, work, etc. We spend a lot of time seeing them (even if we aren’t aware of it) and its clear that they have become a important part of today's world.

The rise of audio visuals created new jobs, grades and subjects in schools to study, so its clear that they are an important part of so much peoples life and also for our economy, because if they enable more work places (for example, bloggers, influencers, teachers for new subjects, editors...) and more gadgets to purchease, that means that the economy increases.

They're also the center of the modern entertainment and a part of our culture, thanks to audio visuals we have apps like YouTube or Instagram, which are two of the most used social networks in the world, or blogs like this one, where you can write or share videos and photos, or even the oldest example of audio visuals', the cinema.

In conclusion, the audio visuals are very important for us because of their huge impact in our society.

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