miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Photografic genders

Landscape photography.

Sports photography.

Street photography.

Bokeh photography.

Portraiture photography.

Food photography.

Wild life photography.

Candid photography.

First term evaluation

About the work on the first therm, I think that we did pretty interesting works, perhaps innovation project was not one of mu favorites, I like working in groups. I like the subject and the things we work on it, and I am happy with my job but I can improve it thought.

Photo tips

This is a photo that I took in summer, we went to Ulia to see the sunrise and I catched this moment when my friend was doing a bubble-gum balloon- I think that the contrast and the moment are very special!

This one is a photo I took on a concert two months ago. I think that is pretty good because of the lights and the symmetry of the two singers.

This photo was took in tabakalera during the sunset. I think it's a very beautiful photo because of the colors and the lines.

This is a cute goat from a farm. It has the tips of framing and lines.

This is a photo I took to a friend without him noticing. I think that is a funny photo and the lines and light make it better.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

Movie analysis

My analysis