miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Last day, we went to the "Begiradak - Las Otras Miradas" film festival in Trueba cinemas with the AVC class and we had a great time watching short films made by people of our age and talking with Jon Garaño, the film director.

Personally, the film I liked the most was the one that talked about the romance between two girls in the inquisitioral era, the characterization was so great and the actors and actresses job was marvellous. It was a quality cinema festival!

My favorite film: Mamma Mia!

- the wedding of a greek girl
- the appearing of the three fathers
- how she finds out her father and comes back to the normal situation

The story pattern:
  1. YOU: A wedding is about to happen.
  2. NEED: Sophie invites the three guys.
  3. GO: Donna discovers them
  4. SEARCH: She tries to handle the situation
  5. FIND: Sophie keeps finding her father
  6. TAKE: Sophie questions if marry or not Sky
  7. RETURN: She accepts that she has three fathers
  8. CHANGE: Sky and Sophie doesnt get married but they live happily
Mamma Mia!, a musical film fearuting ABBAs songs written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus released in 2008, placed in a Greek Island, where Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) lives with her mother Donna (Meryl Streep) and her fiancé Sky (Dominic Cooper). She is going to be married soon, but she wants her father to take her to the wedding altar, but she doesnt know who is! So she invites to the wedding three old loves of her mother to try to find out who her father is, and with their help and her mothers best friends help, they will try to find out who will take her to the altar.

Personally, I think that it's a very basic film, but I still love it with all my heart, technically, it doesnt seem to use complicated technics, but  ABBAs songs and its happy aura does the film happy and pleasant.

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

Battleship Potemkin

- The revolution is starting in Russia and battleship Potemkin's sailors want to take part on it too
- They take control of the ship and go to Odessa
- They start taking part in the revolution

The story pattern: 
  1. YOU: Sailors work in a battleship named Potemkin.
  2. NEED: To take part in the revolution that is starting in Russia.
  3. GO: They take control of the ship.
  4. SEARCH: They go to Odessa to fight with the citizens. 
  5. FIND: The citinzery of Odessa take their boats and all together fight.
  6. TAKE: There are some serious damage and hard scenes.
  7. RETURN: The Potemkin goes out the port and the fight seems inevitable.
  8. CHANGE: The Tsarist squadron refuses to open fire and the Potemkin passes between their ships.
Data sheet: 

Was made un 1925, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the first Russian revolution, its 75 minutes long and it was directed by Sergei M. Einsestein.


A film based in historical events, tells de story of the sailors of a battleship named Potemkin, who started a riot, taked control of the ship and went to their hometown (Odessa) to keep fighting. 

Interesting points of the film which created a pattern for future movies:

· The death of an important and good character, which adds dramatism and importance to the commitment of the goal. 
· Also, Sergei uses for the first time the technique of showing an action and repeating it again but from a slightly different angle to demonstrate intensity.


Movie analysis

My analysis