miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

My trip

This photo was taken when we went to Pau, France, with my fencing club. We had a really good time and we made some wins for the team, for example, Xabi and Gorka, two of the little ones, won the first place in their categories. I love going in trips with the fencing club because we are really close and althought we dont win a lot of prizes, we always support ourselves no matter what.

It is not a really good or pretty photo, but the moment that represents is enough to choose it for this entry. It was when, after a long day of compiting, we were about to leave France and we were celebrating that Gorka, the littlest one of the club got the first place in his categorie, so Asier took him in his shoulders while we took photos and congratule him.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019

Logo and Storyboard

The other day, we worked in the lettering and design of the group logo, I am not really an artsy person, so my mates did a big part of the job, specially Andrea, who likes doing lettering.
For the name, we finally came up with the name "The B-Lock", as its an attractive name.

Personally, I made the storyboard for the comercial, and althought the final version was not as I liked to be, the comercial came out really great.

The logo and storyboard are at Eider's blog.


Movie analysis

My analysis