miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020

Photography exercise

1. From a dog's point of view.

2. From a bird's point of view

3. Find your initials.

4. Play with toys.

5. Abstract details.

6. Be egotistic. (+abstract details

7. Freeze the moment.

8. Tell a joke.

9. Create a Story.

10. Absebt-minded friends

.11. Play with food


domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

Radio Programme

Here is the link to my radio programme about my favorite song, 'She used to be mine' of the singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles, hope you like it :)

martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Advertising and women

Its not an ad at all, but I wanted to talk about children toys catalogues. They are always like this, blue for boys, pink for girls, cars for boys, and dolls and babies for girls. Even nowadays its like this, and I think that is so important that we should change it as fast as we can, because it only scares the kids about which toy they want because it is not accepted im their asigned gender.

catalogos juguetes sexistas bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiakcatalogos juguetes sexistas bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

For the editing, I putted the kids out, to eliminate the separation between genders, and putted a filter on it for the colors not to be different.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

The comic

Since the idea Ekhi and I had was too long for a short video, we decided to make our comic about the story that we couldn't work with all the class. It talks about a bully's story and life, and the problem that he has with his school mates. The beautiful drawing was made by Ekhi :)

And here is our final comic!

Human rights

We are doing a video all the class together, the two ideas that were selected was the one about the job interview and the painter one. We will upload the progress of the project.

Third term beginning

I had a great time in AVC in the second term, and I expect the same for the third term. I didnt like at all the activities of the Innovation project, but I liked the part of working in groups because I got to know better my classmates. I really liked the photography and video-recording activities, because I think that they were very creative and funny.

Like I said, I expect the same for the third term, I hope we all have a good time and to learn a lot.

Movie analysis

My analysis